Festival Schools Lunchtime Concert Series

Join us on weekdays during the Festival run in St John's Kirk for our inspiring Schools Lunchtime Concert Series.

Our Schools Lunchtime Concert series (free, unticketed) is one of the highlights of our annual Festival. Each weekday lunchtime at 12.30pm in St John's Kirk, we welcome the instructors and young musicians from Perth & Kinross schools for an inspiring concert series showcasing the talents of hundreds of young musicians.

The concerts cover a range of styles, including choirs, instrumental ensembles and talented soloists. The concert series offers the perfect opportunity to pop along and enjoy a short Festival concert on your lunch break. Performing this year are:

Thursday 22nd May - Glenalmond College
Friday 23rd May - Strathallan School
Monday 26th May - Instrumental Music Service Concert 
Tuesday 27th May - Perth Academy/ Acadamaidh Pheairt
Wednesday 28th May - Bertha Park High School 
Thursday 29th May - Kinross High School
Friday 30th May - Perth High School




Weekdays (excluding Sat/Sun)